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Outsourcing Write for us

Outsourcing imageThe term outsourcing or subcontracting implies that one company requires the services of another to carry out certain activities. Therefore, the external company gets hired to be able to do specific necessary tasks in the leading company.

Typically, outsourcing is usually for services that have nothing to do with or are not specialized in with the leading company. For example, if we are a construction company and a computer breaks down, the computer company that fixes it will get outsourced for it.

However, it is essential to note that it may also be the case that not only the skills and knowledge of the staff are required, but also the hiring of resources capable of helping the activity to get carried out correctly. Furthermore, the support must contract are the best and the corresponding ones to carry out this activity well.

The decision to outsource to improve an aspect is a decision made to become more competitive and efficient than other companies on the market. However, this can generate opinions for and against:


Outsourced services are much cheaper than if we hired the personnel directly to our company, using this person when we need it, using more competitive practices and continually improving details.


However the outsourced personnel do not show loyalty to our company, as others usually hire them. On the other hand, we must also talk about the precariousness of working conditions due to the proliferation of work contracts.

It is the process by which a company and organization identify a function within its routine that could increase productivity and lead to optimization, involving third parties that remain subcontracted to carry out that task or activity.

In other words, it consists of delegating some functions to a company or team specialized in them to increase production, access better technologies, or lower costs within the organization.

Tasks range from facility maintenance to complex and meticulous processes like accounting or talent recruitment.

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